Ambassador Jiang Xuebin Ambassador Embassy Information
Consulate-General in Turkey Social Media




· The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper(2023-02-21)
· US Hegemony and Its Perils(2023-02-21)
· Embassy Spokesperson on the Fire in Xinjiang(2022-11-27)
· Ambassador Liu Shaobin Sends Message of Condolence to Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu over the coal mine explosion in Türkiy..(2022-10-19)
· The Embassy Spokesperson’s remarks on the Negative Comments made by Turkish Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on Xinjiang-related Issues(2022-09-09)
· Çin Halk Kurtuluş Ordusu (PLA) tanıtım videosu yayınlanmıştır(2022-09-05)
· Full Text: The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era(2022-08-10)
· Chinese FM makes remarks on U.S. violation of China's sovereignty(2022-08-03)
· Statement by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Pelosi's visit to Taiwan(2022-08-02)
· Development of China's National Defense and the Armed Forces in the New Era 2012-2022(2022-07-29)
· Çin Halk Kurtuluş Ordusu'nun Kuruluşunun 95. Yıldönümünü Kutlama Konuşması(2022-07-22)
· Çin Büyükelçiliği Sözcüsü’nün bir basın mensubunun sorusuna verdiği cevap: Hiçbir yalan ve söylenti, Xinjiang'ın ref..(2022-07-06)
· Ambassador Liu Shaobin attends Dialogue Between Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance and Chinese Entrepreneurs in Türkiye(2022-06-28)
· Ambassador Liu Shaobin Meets Trade Minister Mehmet Muş(2022-06-28)
· Ambassador Liu Shaobin Meets Governor Ali Yerlikaya and Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu of Istanbul(2022-06-28)
· Ambassador Liu Shaobin visits CETC-Kalyon Group 500MW Photovoltaic Industrial Park(2022-06-28)
· Ambassador Liu Shaobin Meets Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu(2022-06-28)